
FiSci Gallery: Winter 2016; San Francisco, CA
Criminal Minds/ New Media; Glitch Art

Thompson Gallery: Winter 2015 – Spring 2015; San Jose, CA
PeaceCraft/ New Media; Virtual Performance

Dog Patch: Spring 2014; San Francisco, CA
Shack(Art)Collective: Spring 2014; Vancouver, Canada
MineOpticon II/ New Media; Virtual Performance

Metaverse Cultural Series: Fall 2013; Rehoboth, MA
MineOpticon/ New Media; Virtual Performance

YouIn3D Salon: Summer 2013; Berlin, Germany
MineOpticon II/ New Media; Virtual Performance

URAL Biennial: Fall 2012; Ekaterinburg, Russia
V2V: Installation/ New Media

ZERO1 Biennial: Fall 2012; San Jose, CA
V2V: Installation/ New Media

INNOPROM: Summer 2012; Ekaterinburg, Russia
V2V: Installation/ New Media

Big Reality: Spring 2012; Brooklyn, NY
Demand Player Sovereignty: New Media/Video

Gallery 3: Fall 2011; San Jose, CA
Death Receptionist: Installation/ Performance/ Role Playing Game

Turkish Skylife: Fall 2011; Turkey
The Future of Gaming: Article

ISEA 2011: Fall 2011; Istanbul, Turkey
Demand Player Sovereinty: New Media/ Mixed Reality

SubZero: Spring 2011; San Jose, CA
Demand Player Sovereignty: New Media/Mixed Reality

Anno Domini: Winter 2010; San Jose, CA
Blissfinity Pharmatopia: Installation/Performance

CADRE Build: Spring 2010; San Jose, CA
Lichter: Mild Steel

ZERO1 Biennial: Fall 2010; San Jose, CA
Trading Voices: Installation/New Media/Performance

Subzero: Summer 2010; San Jose, CA
Trading Voices: New Media/Performance

First Friday: Spring 2010; San Jose, CA
Trading Voices: New Media/Performance

WoW Emergent Media Phenomenon: Summer 2009; Laguna Art Museum
/hug: New Media

SubZero: Summer 2009; San Jose, CA
/hug: New Media

Photography: Spring 2008; Dead Cow Gallery; Santa Cruz, CA
The Surgeon: Silver Gelatin Print